LEMA Covid-19 Policy


Lance England Martial Arts has been closed for Spring Break until Thursday, 3/26.  It has been our policy to close if Knox County Schools close, and we have followed that policy with the exception of opening during the closure for flooding. 

We are now faced with the prospect of Covid-19.  What we know about this threat continues to develop and evolve.  This is a serious situation as evidenced by statements from Government and Healthcare Sources.  We are treating this with the same degree of seriousness.  We have been in contact with Healthcare professionals as well as Industry Representatives in addition to monitoring recommendations by the Academic Community. 

The objective for all recommendations is to slow down and ultimately stop the spread of CV-19.  One of the most widely recommended and discussed guidelines is to limit gatherings of more than 10 people and that only if necessary.  In addition, please keep in mind that most of our students are children.  For children, the illness caused by this virus seems to be very mild – so much so that it may be mistaken for a common cold.  The great concern is for older members of our community and those of all ages with existing medical conditions.  The precautions we take now are ultimately to protect them. 

Also, testing for the coronavirus in the U.S. is currently becoming much more widely available and as the testing becomes more available we can expect that the number of reported cases will rise significantly as testing identifies those carrying the infection.  This doesn’t mean that the efforts we take as a society to limit the spread of the virus are ineffective and should be abandoned.  The public health authorities are certain that there are indeed people ill with this virus that have not been identified yet because it hasn’t been possible to test them.    

 While the situation remains fluid, there is now enough accurate information available for us to make definite plans and to take concrete actions.  As stated before, we have been consulting with colleagues and professional organizations throughout the U.S. to determine what sensible precautions we should take as a school community.  At this time, we have determined that it is the best interest of the LEMA Family to conform with Public Schools.  Knox County Schools have closed for an extended period to limit the spread of the virus and we will close in conformity with them.  I feel personally, that any other course of action would involve a reckless disregard for the well-being of our students, their families, and our community as a whole.   We will extend our Spring Break until Saturday, April 4th, when we will resume normal classes. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at lanceenglandmartialarts@yahoo.com.

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