“Dream Your Dreams, See Your Dreams, Live Your Dreams!”
Lancing England, Ed.S., M.S.
Hanshi, Satori-Ryu Budo
Satori-Ryu Budo History
Master England is a student of Dale S. Kirby, known as the “Original American Samurai” (Official Karate Magazine, 1980) and the "Tennessee Samurai" (Karate Illustrated 1983) and founder of Satori-Ryu Budo. Grandmaster Kirby’s Instructor was Yoshio Sugino Sensei, Grandmaster of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu.
Satori-Ryu Budo Philosophy
Integrity, accountability, and honor are principles Master England sets forth and seeks to cultivate in his students. Coupled with a relentless commitment to quality in instruction, these principles produce champions in the ring and
in life.
Satori-Ryu Budo Future
Master Lance England knows what it takes for a young person to become successful and has a proven record. Ninety percent of his Black Belts have graduated from college. Master England’s goals are not to train fighters, but students that train to be successful, competent and confident individuals.
“Training isn’t hard, it just is.”
Dale Kirby Soke
Hanshi, Satori-Ryu Budo

Dale S. Kirby, Soke and Hanshi Lancing C. England Ed.S.
Satori-Ryu Budo is the creation of my Sensei, Soke Dale Kirby. Sensei trained under Japanese Masters in multiple styles of Martial Arts. He tested for his Teaching Certificate in front of a Board of Japanese Masters and received the certification to begin his own school of Martial Arts. In the United States, for so long Martial Artists believed that you should only train in one style. That school of thought has predominantly been discarded in the world of Martial Arts to the benefit of those who pursue training. Traditional sword schools would include multiple disciplines of the sword because the Samurai had to be a well-rounded warrior in order to survive. So, Satori-Ryu Budo was born.
The term Satori translates into “Spontaneous Enlightenment”. This enlightenment is different from that described in Zen Koans where the individual reaches a critical moment and at that point achieves enlightenment. It doesn’t really work that way. Those moments of enlightenment, or what Soke Kirby has described as those Aha! Moments are learning moments when you experience a moment of realization regarding some aspect of your life. If you are continuing to learn, those learning moments should be occurring on a weekly or bi-weekly basis meaning that you should be a lifelong learner, continually striving to learn as an individual on a variety of topics.
As a Martial Artist, you should be trying to continually learn about all facets of your training, including mental and spiritual development. Those learning moments should be with you your entire life.
The term Budo translates to the way of the warrior. Being a warrior is not about fighting, it’s not about who is toughest in a fight. Being a warrior is about taking care of your responsibilities. What are your responsibilities? You have Spiritual Beliefs, your family, your country, your employer, society. What responsibilities do those areas of your life bring to you?
Satori-Ryu Budo, the Way of the Enlightened Warrior, is about pursuing the Lifestyle of the Modern Samurai. The Modern Samurai is not one who goes around seeking violence and confrontations. The Modern Samurai is one who is responsible and accountable for their own actions, one who takes care of responsibilities, accepting the hardships and the rewards equally.
Becoming a Modern Samurai is a Lifelong Pursuit that will push you to become the best version of you possible. Achieving that requires growth and development that not everyone is willing to undergo. The big question then becomes are you up to the challenge?
Dale S. Kirby, Soke
Dale S. Kirby was born on November 1, 1947 in Gallatin, Tennessee. He attended Lake Worth High School in Florida, where he was captain of the track team, played half-back on the varsity football team, and surfed. After graduating high school in 1965, Dale began training in Judo at Bushido Judo Kai in West Palm Beach, Florida.
In 1967, Dale joined the United States Army where he was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. He was deployed to Vietnam and while on his way there he visited Japan for the first time. While in Vietnam he participated in 10 Air Assaults into Combat Zones. He also saw Combat in the Tet Offensive in 1968, the Defense of Hue and the Assault on the Aue Shau Valley. His duties included operating as a Point Man and Tunnel Rat. For his service in Vietnam he received the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service in Combat, the Army ARCOM with V for Valor Medal, the Combat Infantry Badge in addition to the Campaign Ribbons associated with the actions that he participated in. He was also honored to be a Member of the Honor Guard for General Westmoreland and for President Johnson in 1968 during his visit to Cam Ran Bay.
Sergeant Kirby returned from Vietnam to Fort Benning, Georgia in May of 1968. On returning from Vietnam he visited Japan for the second time. Following his return, he attended the 3rd Army Non-Commissioned Officer's Academy, Jump Master School, and Ranger School. From 1968 to 1970, Sergeant Kirby served as an Airborne Instructor and on the United States Army Airborne Skydiving Team in Fort Benning.
Sergeant Kirby visited Japan briefly on his journeys to and from Vietnam, and quickly developed a fascination with Japanese culture and the Budo arts. Following his honorable discharge from the United States Army in January of 1970, Mr. Kirby moved back to Florida and began working on a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Experimental Psychology. He also earned his Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.
In 1970 Mr. Kirby began training in European fencing, and he also began training under Sensei Taylor K. Hayden, 6th Dan in Wado-Ryu Karate, in Goodletsville, Tennessee. In 1973, Mr. Kirby moved to Gallatin, Tennessee. He began teaching junior high school and continued to train with Sensei Hayden, as well as Mr. Hayden's instructor, C.T. Patterson, 8th Dan in Wado Ryu Karate. In 1974 he began his training in weapons. In 1975, Mr. Kirby became an instructor at Sensei Hayden's dojo in Gallatin, and in 1976, Sensei Kirby earned his black belt in Wado Ryu Karate. In 1980, Sensei Kirby took over as full-time instructor at Sensei Hayden's dojo.
In the mid-1970's, Sensei Kirby became friends with a group of students from Japan who attended a local university. These friends were frequent visitors to the Gallatin dojo and would demonstrate many different forms of budo. In 1977, Sensei Kirby purchased his first samurai sword, and with the encouragement and support of his friends in the martial arts, he began training in Iaido.
In 1978, Sensei Kirby began competing heavily in martial arts tournaments. In addition to Empty Hand Forms and Sparring, he competed in Weapons Divisions with the Iaido Katas he had learned. Sensei Kirby quickly attained top-ten ranking at the regional level, and he was invited to compete at the national level.
This offered him exposure to martial arts masters of a variety of styles. While competing, he attended seminars in Wado- Ryu Karate taught by the late Master Otsuka and his son, Jiro Sensei, who later became the presiding Master Sensei of Wado-Ryu Karate. In 1981, Sensei Kirby was named United States National Weapons Champion, as well as being rated in the top ten nationally in Empty Hand Forms, and Second Place in Sparring.
In 1984, Sensei Kirby was invited to join the United States Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Team, headed by Sensei Patterson, in competition in the 50th Anniversary World Karate Championships in Japan. During his month-long visit, Sensei Kirby trained intensively at several dojos, including the Katori Shinto Ryu dojo in Kawasaki, Japan, under Sensei Sugino; and at the Eishin Ju dojo under Sensei Suzuki in Chiba City, Japan. Sensei Kirby also attended an Iaido tournament in Yokahama, Japan, organized by Master Nakamura. Also, that year he became associated with the International Martial Arts Federation.
In 1985 and 1986 Sensei Kirby placed Second in Sparring in the National Championships. In 1985 he also attended seminars with Dr. Sugino, Master Yamaguchi and Master Sakai with whom he trained in Iaido, Jodo and Karate. He returned to Japan in 1986, where he spent another month of intensive training with the Masters of different styles including Sensei Okomoto of Daito Ryu, Master Shioda of Aikido, Master Otsuka of Wado Ryu Karate, and Dr. Sugino of Katori Shinto Ryu. Later he sponsored these Instructors to visit Tennessee for the purpose of teaching their Budo Arts. In 1987 and in 1988 he again trained with Dr. Sugino, Master Yamaguchi and Master Sakai in the arts of Iaido, Jodo and Karate. Sensei Kirby would become friends and remain in contact with these instructors throughout the years to follow.
In 1989, and with the encouragement of his Japanese instructors, Sensei Kirby officially formed a new school of samurai swordsmanship. This school, which he would name Satori Ryu Iaido, would serve as a vehicle for Sensei Kirby to introduce to an American audience the spiritual aspects and objectives of the Budo Arts that were taught to him in Japan. In 1990, Satori Ryu Iaido School of Samurai Swordsmanship was formed.
In 2015 Soke Kirby recognized the need for an organization to oversee the Dojos involved in teaching Satori-Ryu Iaido as well as Karate-Do, Kobudo and Jodo. With the assistance of Hanshi Lancing C. England Ed.S. Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. was formed with Hanshi England as President. In the years that followed and to the present day, Satori Ryu Budo Inc has continued to grow and to evolve, providing a vast number of students from across the United States and elsewhere with instruction in all aspects of the arts offered by Satori-Ryu Budo.
In 2022, Soke Kirby decided to take more time to spend with his family. This involved traveling and being away for long periods of time. In order not to have a negative impact on the operations of Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. due to his absence, he officially retired. Soke Kirby named Hanshi Lancing C. England Ed.S. as his successor. While being officially retired, Soke Kirby is still active, training on a daily basis and maintaining contact with the operation and growth of Satori-Ryu Budo Inc.

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Featured Publications
Lancing C. England, Graphic Creations, Knoxville, TN., January, 2020.
This workbook is currently used as a textbook at the University of Tennessee in the Kobudo Class taught by Master Lance England. The book covers the history, traditions, and use of the Traditional Martial Arts Weapons from both the Kobudo and Budo Cultures.
Satroi-Ryu Budo In Numbers
Books Published
Periodicals Published
LEMA Black Belt Graduates from College
Years of Experience
"There are people who come into our lives and leave their mark (a lasting impression that shapes the very essence of who we are), Sensei England is one of those people for me. After surviving a violent assault in college it was actually the police officer taking my statement who first suggested I take self-defense classes. I didn't know what to expect, but to say the decision changed my life is an understatement.
'Above all be the Heroine of your life, not the victim.' While this is not Sensei's quote, it reminds me of how he changed my life through his guidance, humor, and incredible coaching. Sensei England empowered me to be the best I could be in-spite of the trauma I had endured. He "gave me wings" and helped me find my inner warrior. And if that wasn't enough, he also taught me skills critical to the elite performer, which I have used and continue to use both athletically and professionally for the past 20 years. These valuable mental training skills helped me become an SEC champion, All American, Olympic Trials Qualifier, and later earn a Masters and PhD, start a business, parent my child, and become the 2019 USA Masters National Criterium Champion. Thank you Sensei for making it impossible to write only one paragraph on the impact you have had in my life. I am forever grateful!
Tracy Carrington, PhD
Mind Game Performance, LLC
As a parent, I’ve seen that LEMA teaches so much more than throwing a punch or wielding a sword. Over the last 7+ years, my son has learned those things but, more importantly, he’s learned that rank is not given, but earned, and that his success will come through hard work while he has also gained confidence, self-control, and leadership skills. It truly does take a village and we are proud to count LEMA as part of ours.
Jax Denton
Lance England Martial Arts provides traditional martial arts training along with real-world applications. They offer support for personal growth no matter what level the student is on along with a variety of exercises to keep everyone engaged. It is a great family atmosphere where everyone finds their place to belong.
Tracie Bull

Hanshi Lancing C. England Ed.S., Soke Dale S. Kirby, and Renshi Jerry Cichon
Jerry Cichon began Japanese Goju-Ryu Karate in 1974 under Master Ted Soliday in Sapulpa, Oklahoma who was part of the late Grandmaster Lou Angels organization. After receiving his Shodan in 1986, he left to finish his Bachelor of Science Degree in History and Education in Nashville, Tennessee.
In 1987 he began training with Soke Dale S. Kirby Sr. in Satori-Ryu Iaido. In addition to training with Soke Kirby in Iaido, he also trained with him in Wado-Ryu Karate.
After graduating from Tennessee State University in 1991 he left Tennessee. Renshi Cichon continued his training at his Home Dojo, Japanese Martial Arts Academy in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. He currently trains in Iaido under Hanshi Lance England, Senior Instructor for Satori-Ryu Budo, and Master Tom Barth in Goju-Ryu Karate.
Renshi Cichon is also a Member of the All Japan Budo Association, holding an 8th Degree Black Belt under that organization. He is the President of the San-Do-Ryu Federation of America and also serves as the Vice-President of the Oklahoma Goju-Ryu Karate Association. He is the Midwest Regional Director for Satori-Ryu Budo holding the Title of Renshi and the rank of 5th Degree Black Belt.
For more information on Renshi Cichon please visit jmaaok.com.

Sensei Tom Booker is the director of media and communications for satori-ryu budo inc. He is the Senior Instructor at Broadway Family Karate, which he opened in 2001 in Knoxville, TN. Mr. Booker has been teaching martial arts for over 30 years. Broadway Family Karate has twice been voted the Top Martial Arts School in Knoxville by independent newspaper polls.
Teaching is a strong part of Mr. Booker’s family tradition. His grandmother Eula taught music in Kansas City and rural Missouri during the 1920s and 30s. His mother Barbara was both a teacher and later principal at the Little Flower Montessori school in South Bend, Indiana. His father, professor Frank Booker, taught law for many years at Stetson University and the University of Notre Dame.
Mr. Booker first began his experience with visual media and communications in his teenage years, scripting and shooting Super 8 films. He has continued to work both in front of and behind the camera as video technology has evolved. Mr. Booker worked with print media projects in the Corporate Communications Department of Anderson, Clayton & Co. He served as Director of Research at Whittle Communications, which pioneered the use of video and print media in fresh, innovative ways.
Most recently, Mr. Booker has planned, scripted, and directed several independent projects applying his media and communications experience to teaching students the foundational skills and core values of martial arts. He is currently developing and expanding the Warrior Personal Strengths lesson series that he first developed for his own students. Mr. Booker specializes in collaborating with instructors who are new to using video – helping them get started using this medium as both a teaching tool and a means of effective communication more generally.
Mr. Booker began his study and practice of martial arts in 1989 under Mr. James Rich. The art Mr. Rich taught was classic Taekwondo – old-school Korean Karate. He continues his study of classic Taekwondo as a member of American Karate and Taekwondo Organization, working with Master Keith Yates. Mr. Booker currently holds the rank of 4th Dan.
Mr. Booker is a member of the American Independent Karate Instructors Association formed by Dr. Jerry Beasley of Radford University. He is founder and chair of the Knoxville Martial Arts Instructors Round Table, a forum in which instructors discuss the challenges they face, and ways of improving their effectiveness as teachers.
Mr. Booker commenced his practice of Iaido as part of Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. in 2003, under the guidance of Lance England, Hanshi, of the University of Tennessee. As well as Samurai Sword Arts, he studies Kobudo, Jodo, and Modern Combatives as a member of Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. He currently holds the rank of Sho-Dan in Iaido.
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