Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. Holds Senior Dan Rank Testing

Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. held Rank Testing for Senior Dan Rank.  The Rank Testing was conducted by Grandmaster Dale S. Kirby Sr. M.S., and Hanshi Lance England Ed.S., President of Satori-Ryu Budo Inc.  Rob Lowry and Alex Walton successfully completed the requirements to earn the rank of Go Dan, 5th Degree Black Belt.

The Rank of Go Dan, 5th Degree Black Belt, is a significant achievement in the career of a Martial Artist.  It signifies the level of knowledge of the individual, and it recognizes the contributions of the individual to the art, as well as their leadership that they provide to the younger students.  Because of the importance of this rank, this Rank Testing Session was closed to testing for other ranks so that the focus could be on these two candidates.

Rob Lowry holds the ranks of Go Dan, 5th Degree Black Belt, in Satori-Ryu Kobudo; Yon Dan, 4th Degree Black Belt in Satori-Ryu Iaido; Yon Dan, 4th Degree Black Belt, in Isshin-Ryu Karate; and Ni Dan, 2nd Degree Black Belt in Shindo Muso Jodo.  He is a Senior Instructor for Satoir-Ryu Budo Inc. and has provided leadership in serving as the Lead Instructor in Kobudo.

Alex Walton holds the ranks of Yon Dan, 4th Degree Black Belt in Satori-Ryu Iaido; Yon Dan, 4th Degree Black Belt, in Isshin-Ryu Karate; Yon Dan, 4th Degree Black Belt, in Tae Kwon Do; and Ni Dan, 2nd Degree Black Belt in Shindo Muso Jodo.  He is a Senior Instructor for Satoir-Ryu Budo Inc. and has provided leadership in serving as the Lead Instructor in Karate-Do.

Grandmaster Kirby led the Test Session, providing feedback to those testing, ensuring that not only was there a thorough evaluation of knowledge, but also there was an opportunity for those testing to learn. Grandmaster Kirby is a retired educator, who has taught at the Elementary School, Middle School as well as University Level. He has authored and co-authored, with Hanshi Lance England Ed.S., six books and workbooks that have been used as texts at Universities.  He is an educator at heart, which means that his primary goal is the learning and development of the student.  Grandmaster Kirby teaches that the Martial Artist should be a lifelong learner and that includes those with Senior Dan Rank. 

Grandmaster Kirby and Hanshi England Ed.S. were enthusiastic in awarding Sensei Alex Walton and Sensei Rob Lowry the Rank of Go Dan.

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