Satori-Ryu Budo is the creation of my Sensei, Soke Dale Kirby, who trained under Japanese Masters in multiple styles of Martial Arts. Satori-Ryu Budo is the Way of the Enlightened Warrior, the pursuit of the Lifestyle of the Modern Samurai.  The Modern Samurai is not one who goes around seeking violence and confrontations.  Being a warrior is not about fighting, it’s not about who is toughest in a fight. Being a warrior is about taking care of your responsibilities. Responsibilities come from many different directions and areas of your life. Those can include, but are not limited to Spiritual Beliefs, family, country, employers, and society.  How you deal with those responsibilities define who you are.  The Modern Samurai is one who is responsible and accountable for their own actions, one who takes care of responsibilities, accepting the hardships and the rewards equally.  Students who demonstrate those standards are recognized by awarding them the title of Modern Samurai.

Jerry Cichon is an 8th Dan in Japanese Goju-Ryu Karate, certified by the All Japan Budo Association. A 5th Dan in Satori-Ryu Iaido under Satori-Ryu Budo Inc. Trained by Soke Dale Kirby M.S. and Hanshi Lance England Ed.S., Renshi Cichon owns and operates the Japanese Martial Arts Academy in Sapulpa Oklahoma. In addition, he is the Vice-President of the Oklahoma Goju-Ryu Karate Association and is the Midwest Director for Satori-Ryu Budo Midwest. Renshi Cichon is celebrating his 50th year in Martial Arts starting in 1974 with Goju-Ryu Karate under Hanshi Ted Soliday, who was a Black belt under Grandmaster Lou Angel.

After receiving his Shodan in 1986, he left to finish his Bachelors of Science Degree in History and Education in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1987 he began training with Soke Dale S. Kirby Sr. in Satori-Ryu
Iaido. In addition to training with Soke Kirby in Iaido, he also trained with him in Wado-Ryu Karate. After graduating from Tennessee State University in 1991 he left Tennessee. Renshi Cichon continued his training at his Home Dojo, Japanese Martial Arts Academy in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. He currently trains in Iaido under Hanshi Lance England, Senior Instructor for Satori-Ryu Budo, and Master Tom Barth in Goju-Ryu Karate and is President of the San-Do-Ryu Federation of America.

But what makes Jerry Cichon a Modern Samurai is not just his success in the Martial Arts, it is his success in caring for those he comes in contact with. In addition to operating a Dojo, and providing leadership in different Martial Arts Organizations, he has also had a successful career in Education where he has specialized in Special Education. In addition, he has been a leader in fund raising and providing assistance for those impacted by adverse events, whether that is a weather event, or a traumatic injury, or a worthy cause. He has taken students and shown them that they can be successful, that they can achieve their goals, that their lives have potential and a purpose. In the current environment that we live in, our communities need more leaders like Jerry Cichon.

Jerry Cichon has demonstrated, through the fulfillment of his responsibilities, his accomplishments, as well as his devotion to serving others, both inside the Dojo as well as outside the Dojo, that he is a true Modern Samurai.

For more information on Renshi Cichon please visit

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